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An absolutely fascinating window on Canada’s history at the time of the American Revolution. I have no idea what is being taught for Canadian history in schools today, but when I was in high school years ago, it seems there was mostly the British “narrative”. It is obvious propaganda and indoctrination of the masses through “education” is a well practised art with a lengthy history, and the single “British” narrative I was schooled with helped forge a hugely misshapen perspective about our modern day ‘Dominion’. I appreciate learning about Gosselin and his heroic alliance with General George Washington, and about the Indigenous peoples part in this dramatic history. As a 4th generation European in Canada, I have never taken kindly to the manner in which east and west or ‘English’ vs French or “us vs. them” appears to have been a careful strategy all along the way to keep Canadians fractured, manipulated, and controlled.

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