The economies of post-Soviet states weren't destroyed by the US. You may have noticed that most of the European ones are doing rather well - and this was neither caused by the US, nor could it have been prevented by the US. The US sometimes does good things, sometimes bad things, but it's not the sole cause of everything good or bad.

Ukraine wants to be like Poland, and it doesn't want to be like Russia. Nothing Putin or the US can do will change that, short of nuclear war. Ukrainians have agency, and respond to reality.

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In my opinion, Ehret in this piece is trying to explain that the USA of Roosevelt's time has been steered completely off course. This was explained by Elliott Roosevelt, and you can read it for free: https://archive.org/details/ashesawit00roos Those high level politicians Elliott describes in his conclusion, and Trump describes at the end of this video are working now for globalists and not for the United States of America https://rumble.com/v2roj70-who-is-our-enemy-russia-china...-or-something-else-a-canadian-patriot-film.html They have sold us out to an "integrated financier oligarchy which has sought to destroy the sovereign nation state system and advance a techno feudal global regime onto humanity". It's no longer the USA the people want. Matt Ehret is very aware that the US sometimes does good things, sometimes bad things, but is not the sole cause of everything good or bad. He wrote a 4-volume series The Clash of the Two Americas describing us at our very best, but also how our founding principles have been subverted and co-opted. COL(ret) Fletcher Prouty (aka "Deep Throat") described the same in his The Secret Team published in 1973. I don't think it is accurate to say that Ukrainians have agency, when Zelenskyy consolidated Ukraine's TV outlets, dissolved rival political parties, and canceled elections in Ukraine. This is who we are funding in funding Ukraine https://web.archive.org/web/20191002183911/https://southfront.org/an-inside-look-at-how-us-funded-fascists-in-ukraine-mentor-us-white-supremacists/ and https://mises.org/power-market/zelenskys-well-documented-history-crushing-dissent I think Ehret is trying to explain that it is un-American according to our founding principles to continue to support a concept of New World Order under an unchallenged Anglo-American hegemony. I think if you continue to read Matt Ehret's work, you'll better understand his perspective.

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And then the people stood up and said enough! Let there be peace and equity!

The Chevron Doctrine's 40-Year Reign of Terror & Control Comes to an End

The Supreme Court finally ended the little-known doctrine that allowed unelected bureaucrats to rule over the American people.


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